Vehicle Injury Expert Witnesses

Vehicle injury expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on vehicle injury. The vehicle injury expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Orthopedics - Non-Surgical and Physical Therapy.

Darren W. Volk, MS, PT, CLT

Third Opinion MD, LLC

Clayton, Georgia
Physical Therapy, Orthopedics - Non-Surgical - Physical Therapy, Acute Care, Range of Motion, Automobile Accident, Vehicle Injury, Arthritis, Hyperextension, Orthopedics, Exercise, Extension, Abduction, Rehabilitation, Wellness, Muscle Flexibility, Adduction, Wound Care, Pain, Rehab Protocol, Cervical
Licensed Physical Therapist with more than 27 years of experience. Served as an expert witness on automobile accident injuries. Available for medical records review, case disposition analysis, depositions and court testimonies.