Trucking Industry Standards & Practices Expert Witnesses

Trucking industry standards & practices expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on trucking industry standards & practices. The trucking industry standards & practices expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Transportation and Trucking.

Donald Hess

Highly Experienced Nationwide Trucking Expert

DLH Associates, Inc.

Quincy, Illinois
Trucking, Transportation - Driver Training, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regultions, Driver Qualifications, Driver Hiring, Dock Safety, Construction Zone Safety, Truck Loading, Forklift Safety, FMCSR, Trucking Industry Standards & Practices, Driver Negligent Hiring, Driver Fatigue, Extreme Weather Driving, Hours of Service
Don Hess, president of DLH Associates, Inc. has been providing expert witness services including analysis of vehicle crashes to attorneys and other clients, since 1996. His specialty is crashes involving commercial motor vehicles, including trucks, tractor-trailers, buses, forklifts, and motorcycles. With nearly two million miles of safe cross-country trucking experience, combined with over 25 years as a driver trainer, Don is well-qualified to provide analysis of what drivers are trained to do in specific situations and circumstances, what federal and state regulations call for and require, and all aspects of the safe and proper operation of commercial motor vehicles. As a motorcyclist with over 50 years of riding and training experience, he is also qualified to comment on accidents involving motorcycles. Don has vast experience in hands-on training of commercial drivers, from basic driving and maneuvering skills to emergency driving skills and live skid pad training. He has been ...