Taft Hartley Expert Witnesses
Taft hartley expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on taft hartley. The taft hartley expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Chiropractic and Medical Coding.
David Boll, DC CPC PES
Chiropractic Standard of Care Expert
Expert Opinions / Comprehensive Chiropractic Services
Adell, Wisconsin
Chiropractic, Medical Coding
Sports Medicine, Medical Malpractice, Chiropractic malpractice, motor vehicle accidents, motor vehicle collisions, independent medical examinations, legal medicine, physical therapy, coding, standard of care, scope of practice, insurance fraud, benefits, Taft- Hartley, personal injury
Dr. Boll has extensive medicolegal experience and has been in practice since 1992. He has been retained nationwide for various cases. Dr. Boll assists numerous entities (law enforcement, law firms, insurance carriers, TPAs) as an Expert Witness, Consulting Witness, CPT and diagnostic coding issues, File Review, and Independent Medical Examinations, along with internal educational programs.
He is a Certified Professional Coder (CPC) from AAPC and a Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) from NASM.
Dr. Boll has active licenses in both Wisconsin and Michigan. He continues to practice within his athletic training and conditioning facility, serving two school districts and consulting with professional racing sanctioning bodies regarding race weekend injury concerns. Dr. Boll was a former Chiropractic Services Director for an insurance company, where he assisted in writing guidelines, sitting on appeals panels, and establishing internal review and claims processing measures. He is a...