Source Code Expert Witnesses

Source code expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on source code. The source code expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Computers, Cybersecurity, Electrical Engineering, Financial, Intellectual Property, and Software Engineering.

Eric Welch

Bramson Welch & Associates, Inc.

Berkeley, California
Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering - Smart Phone Accessories, Bluetooth, Wireless, USB, Embedded Systems, Forensic Engineering, Firmware, Source Code, Design Review
I have over 50 years experience in Systems, Electrical and Software Engineering, Engineering Management and Expert Witness. I have worked on Embedded Systems, Smart Phone Accessories, Bluetooth, USB, Handheld, Data Communications. I have performed software and design reviews and done forensic engineering. Sample projects include handheld wireless medical sensor; 150 MSPS automotive sensor interface; Smart Phone interface for survey grade GPS device; the secure, wireless communication subsystem for a line of consumer medical products. Expert cases - Technology patent IPRs for Microchip, Microsoft, LG, Toshiba, Razor and others - Infringement defense for Logitech, Toshiba, Nike and others - Infringement plaintiff and IPR defense for numerous clients - Other technology cases involving product liability, IP theft, contract disputes, etc This Expert experience is backed up by decades of hands-on engineering in product development with embedded systems using USB, Bluetooth and other t...

Mehdi Tarrit Mirakhorli, PhD

Honolulu, Hawaii
Computers, Cybersecurity - Software Development, source code, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Software Design, Trade Secret, Database, API, Software, Copy Right, Software programming, Software maintenance, software security, Offensive Security, Defensive Security, AI
Mehdi Tarrit Mirakhorli is software engineering professor in the department of Information and Computer Sciences at University of Hawaii at Manoa. Prior to that Dr. Mirakhorli served as Kodak Endowed Chair, Associate Professor and Director of Research at ESL Global Cybersecurity Institute and Software Engineering Department at Rochester Institute of Technology. Mirakhorli is also the director of Software Assurance Laboratory. He has carried out various projects of national importance in the areas of software engineering, software design, trustworthy software, cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-enabled software. Additionally, Dr. Tarrit Mirakhorli has supported the implementation of President Biden's Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity. Dr. Tarrit Mirakhorli, has been ALTA Distinguished Speaker at Alcatel-Lucent, and has delivered numerous technical briefings to public policymakers, members of Congress, government officials, and the general public...

Gary Stringham

Boise, Idaho
Software Engineering, Intellectual Property - Copyright, Copyright Infringement, Embedded Systems, Firmware, Patent Infringement, Patents, Printers, Software, Software Patents, Software Review, Source Code, Trade Secrets
Thought leader in the design and testing of software, firmware, and hardware. (Firmware is software that runs machines and devices.) Over 30 total years of professional engineering experience. This includes 15 years with Hewlett-Packard’s LaserJet printer design lab which, among other things, resulted in 12 US patents and 15 defensive articles. Author of the key textbook in hardware/firmware interface design, newsletters, and other articles. IEEE (Senior member), Phi Kappa Phi. Expert witness experience includes cases that have involved patents, copyrights violations, trade secrets, and other intellectual property as well as defective products. Work as an expert witness typically involves the examination of software source code and hardware designs, and reverse-engineering the designs of others. Has written expert reports and testified at deposition. Specialized knowledge includes: ASIC, Assembly language, C, C++, C#, Claim charting, CodeSuite, Computers, Consumer electronics,...

David S Howell

Mobile App Development • Software Engineering • IP

Expert Guild

Saint Louis, Missouri
Software Engineering, Intellectual Property - Software, Mobile, Apps, Patent, Trade Secret, Infringement, Source Code, Inspection, Android, Development, macOS, Engineering, iOS, Kotlin, Objective-C, Java, Swift, IP, AI, ML
David Howell is a former Apple software engineer with more than 35 years in the software industry and experience teaching computer science and engineering management at a graduate level. He has founded three startups, including one acquired by Apple, with a focus on mobile, desktop, and web apps, and is currently CEO of Expert Guild, an agency that helps litigation teams find the perfect testifying expert for technology and healthcare-related cases. In the past his roles have included Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Technology Officer (CTO), VP of Engineering, Senior Software Engineer, and member of Boards of Advisors. As CEO of Avatron, he led a team of ex-Apple engineers to build world-class productivity apps for mobile devices. At Apple he managed a platform enabling third-party visual-effects plug-ins for film and video. As an expert witness, Mr. Howell has written 19 opinions, testified in Federal court twice and in arbitration court once, and has been deposed four times,...

Dennis E Dombkowski

WTM Solutions LLC

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Software Engineering, Computers - Software Misappropriation, Web, Mobile, Artificial Intelligence, Wi-Fi, Smartphone, Database, C#, JavaScript, SQL, Open Source, NDA, HTML, API Security, Software Development, Source Code, Information Technology, Software Security, Python
Dennis has worked in the field of software engineering for nearly 20 years. He has worked in database design, APIs, and frontend frameworks, often focused on one category at a time. However, he has also found himself in positions where he acts as a ‘full stack developer’, or a developer that touches all aspects of a large application, from frontend website work to database design. His experience includes being a heads-down software engineer as well as a leader and mentor. He has vast amounts of experience in explaining highly technical terminology and concepts to non-technical people, such as Product Owners and Project Managers. Dennis has a genuine love for technology. He strives to continually improve himself by learning new skills, technologies, languages, frameworks, and techniques.

Anthony Centrella

Cold Spring Harbor, New York
Software Engineering, Financial - Software Development, Trade Secrets, Intellectual Property, AI, Databases, Business Systems, Programming, Reverse Engineering, Source Code, SQL, Securities Industry, Information Technology, Stock Market, Financial Data, Investments, Fintech, Data Forensics, Insider Trading, AML, Fraud Detection
I have extensive experience in the areas of software engineering and development in multiple programming languages, databases, and technologies which I still work in currently. Software "code" comparison and logic paths, trade secrets, highly technical IP, including copyright and patent infringement, misappropriation, software delivery and implementation failure. Versed in trading systems and vended solutions, financial and securities industry market data, stock and multi-asset trade data, investment analysis and forensics of trading and tick-level "tape" data, fraud and AML detection. I use a variety of tools using data and software analysis skills to forensically study and compare systems, financial data and reports, highly technical trade secret code, insider trading, intellectual property, etc. Ability to create custom analyses, complex reports, and graphical charts tailored to a study's/case’s illustration and presentation requirements. My wealth of knowledge in these area...

Monty G Myers, PE

Eureka Software Solutions, Inc.

Austin, Texas
Software Engineering, Intellectual Property - Software Industry, Source Code, Software Patents, Software Trade Marks, Software Antitrust, Software Trade Secrets, Source Code Review, Source Code Comparison, Source Code Misappropriation, Open Source Licensing, Computer Forensics
Monty G. Myers is the founder and CEO of Eureka Software Solutions, Inc. Mr. Myers, with the support of his team at Eureka, has served as a testifying and consulting software expert witness in over 135 software trade secret, patent, and other technology related cases in both state and federal court. After over 35 years in business, Eureka is a leading project-oriented, custom software development company based in Austin, Texas. Eureka has built software products and business solutions for an impressive client list which includes members of the Global 1000, Fortune 500, notable private companies, and numerous high-profile start-up organizations. Eureka has a highly successful track record providing state-of-the-art software solutions on a variety of technology platforms. Eureka has enjoyed great business success and has received multiple achievement awards. As the leader of Eureka, Mr. Myers is truly a practicing industry expert. He excels at many expert roles including software...