Scene Photography Expert Witnesses
Scene photography expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on scene photography. The scene photography expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Accident Reconstruction.
Daniel S Holmes
Eagle Lake, Minnesota
Accident Reconstruction
Accident investigation, accident reconstruction, air bag, CDR, EDR, time distance, speed, vehicle inspection, bicycle, commercial vehicle, motorcycle crash, pedestrian, scene photography, aerial photography, drone, occupant kinematics, human factors, sight lines, vehicle equipment, tire failure
My name is Daniel Holmes and I am retired from the Minnesota State Patrol with nearly 27 years of experience. While working for the Minnesota State Patrol I reconstructed over 170 serious or fatal crashes. I have also investigated over 1,500 motor vehicle crashes that did not rise to the level of requiring a crash reconstruction. In 2015, I was awarded the Minnesota State Patrol Award of Excellence in Crash Reconstruction for my work.
I am A.C.T.A.R. ( National Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction) certified. I am trained as a C.D.R. ( Crash Data Recorder) analyst-technician and have the ability to image and analyze the airbag data from supported vehicles. I am a Forensic Mappist and have the ability to generate scaled diagrams from a scene or use mapping data obtained from Law Enforcement. I am also trained in Occupant Kinematics, and have reconstructed several pedestrian/bicycle accidents along with commercial vehicle crashes. I have a drone license...