Rfa Expert Witnesses
Rfa expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on rfa. The rfa expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Anesthesiology, Diagnostic Radiology, Interventional & Vascular Radiology, Pain Management - Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehab, and Radiology.
Eric N Mehlberg, MD
Evergreen, Colorado
Anesthesiology, Pain Management - Medicine
Facet, MBB/RFA, epidural SI, major/minor joints and bursae, paravertebrals, peripheral nerve blocks, RFA, SCS, pumps
I am a licensed physician in the State of Colorado. I obtained my license in 2015 when I moved to Colorado and am currently in good standing. I attended the University of Illinois for my MD and obtained my undergraduate degree at Gordon College. Following Medical School, I trained in Anesthesiology at Stanford University Medical Center and Interventional Pain Management at University of California at San Francisco. I have been in private practice since 2015. I hold specialty certificates in both Anesthesiology and Pain Management.
All basic interventional techniques under either fluoroscopy or ultrasonography (Facet, MBB/RFA, epidural [C2 and below; both interlaminar and TFESI, with the caveat that I do not do bilateral or multilevel cervical TFESI ], SI, major/minor joints and bursae, paravertebrals, peripheral nerve blocks, etc). Kyphoplasty. Platelet Rich Plasma regenerative techniques. Spinal Cord Stimulation Percutaneous Trials and Implants. Intrathecal Pump trials, insertion ...
Saumil M Shah, M.D.
Highly Experienced Vascular Interventionalist
Chicago Vascular ASC
Elmhurst, Illinois
Interventional & Vascular Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology
Interventional & Diagnostic Radiology, Peripheral vascular disease, Ablation procedures, EVLT, RFA, Varicose veins, Urologic interventions, DVT, IVC filters, Dialysis fistula/graft procedures, Central venous catheters, Embolization, Venous Insufficiency, PAD, CTA, CT, Biopsy, Uterine Fibroids
CAQ in Vascular & Interventional Radiology
VIR Fellowship - Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, MI
Radiology Residency - Northwestern Memorial Hospital
I am a Vascular & Interventional Radiologist with over 14 years of experience in a very busy practices, including multiple community hospitals, vein clinics, and outpatient/ambulatory surgical centers. I am personable and flexible with my time and I work quickly and efficiently. In my clinical practice I am safe while pushing the boundaries of our expertise all while maintaining a high level of care my patients have come to expect. I treat a variety of diseases and see nearly all of my patients in a clinic setting for consultation, diagnosis, pre-intervention, and post-intervention follow-up. My patients view me as a thorough but practical physician who has excellent bedside manner and the ability to explain complex situations in an easy to understand way to themselves and their family members. As a medical legal consultant I can exp...
Constantine L Fotopoulos, MD
Overland Park, Kansas
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Pain Management - Medicine
Back Pain, Neck Pain, Knee Pain, Sacroiliac Joint, SIJ, Radiofrequency Ablation, RFA, Genicular, Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty, SpineJack, Vertiflex, PainTEQ, Spinal Cord Stimulation, SCS, Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation, Epidural Steroid Injections. ESI, Medial Branch Blocks, Compression Fracture
Dr Fotopoulos is a board certified Physiatrist and fellow of the AAPMR. He also holds additional board certifications in Pain Medicine, Sports Medicine, and Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine. He is an accepted industry instructor and educator in numerous minimally invasive interventional procedures. He regularly preforms Epidural Injections, Medial Branch Blocks and Sacroiliac Joint Injections. He in an industry instructor in Radiofrequency Ablation for Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacroiliac and the Knee joints. Additionally he preforms and educates in Spinal Cord Stimulation. He was one of the earliest adaptors of the MILD procedure, Vertiflex, PainTEQ percutaneous SIJ fusion, and the Intracept procedure. He also regularly preforms and teaches in Vertebroplasty, Balloon Assisted Vertebroplasty (Kyphoplasty), Sacropasty and SpineJack.
Dr Fotopoulos is a proud veteran of the United States Navy Diving community and an active Police Officer and additionally a SWAT Medical Direct...
Rohaan F. Mehta, MD
Pain Management and PM&R Physician: 17+ years
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Pain Management - Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehab
Neck pain, back pain, complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS, RSD, nerve stimulator, injury, nerve pain, IME, neuropathy, chronic pain, radiculopathy, joint pain, radiofrequency ablation, RFA, rhizotomy, neurotomy, Life care Plan support, spinal cord stimulator, interventional injections
Dr. Mehta is a highly experienced physician, clinician educator, and healthcare leader with over 17 years of expertise. He is dual board-certified and fellowship-trained in Pain Management, and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R). He has served as a medical expert and independent medical evaluator in over 50 cases.
He has extensive experience with pain conditions, musculoskeletal medicine, spine (neck and back), injuries, and expertise in a wide range of interventional pain management techniques including radiofrequency ablation (RF denervation or neurotomy), spinal cord stimulation, peripheral nerve stimulation, vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty, sympathetic nerve, plexus and ganglion blocks, spinal injections (epidural, facet joint, medial branch blocks), joint and soft tissue injections.
Professional Experience:
• Mankato Clinic, MN (05/2023 - Present)
o Physician, Pain Management
• North Memorial Health, MN
o Medical Director of Specialty Care (08/2021 - Present)
o Phy...
Darren R. Hurst, M. D.
Tristate Medical Legal Consulting
Cincinnati, Ohio
Interventional & Vascular Radiology, Radiology
IVC Filter Product Liability, Endovascular Surgery, Interventional Radiology, Interventional pain management, CT, biopsy, ESI, RFA, angioplasty, stents, vascular access, embolization, CTA, varicose veins, EVLT, sclerotherapy, thrombolysis, TIPS, Sclerotherapy, Dialysis
Extensive IVC Filter Case expertise and experience with review of over 200 IVC filter product liability cases (Bard, Cordis, Argon, Cook) including over 40 depositions, trial testimony, and MDL cases. Fellowship-trained, vascular and interventional radiologist with over 20 years of experience. University of Michigan diagnostic radiology residency and VIR fellowship. High volume, tertiary care, private practice with significant experience with vascular and endovascular procedures including IVC filters, venous angioplasty and stenting, arterial angioplasty and stenting, thrombolysis/TPA, embolization, and atherectomy. Expertise in all venous access, dialysis access, and image guided biopsy/drainage procedures. Expertise in vein center procedures including EVLT, ambulatory phlebectomy, and sclerotherapy. Wound Care Certified.
Expertise in interventional pain practice and in all minimally invasive pain procedures such as ESI, nerve blocks, SI joint injection, Facet injection, RF...
Constantine L Fotopoulos, MD
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Pain Management - Medicine
Back Pain, Neck Pain, Knee Pain, Sacroiliac Joint, SIJ, Radiofrequency Ablation, RFA, Genicular, Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty, SpineJack, Vertiflex, PainTEQ, Spinal Cord Stimulation, SCS, Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation, Epidural Steroid Injections. ESI, Medial Branch Blocks, Compression Fracture
Dr Fotopoulos is a board certified Physiatrist and fellow of the AAPMR. He also holds additional board certifications in Pain Medicine, Sports Medicine, and Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine. He is an accepted industry instructor and educator in numerous minimally invasive interventional procedures. He regularly preforms Epidural Injections, Medial Branch Blocks and Sacroiliac Joint Injections. He in an industry instructor in Radiofrequency Ablation for Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar, Sacroiliac and the Knee joints. Additionally he preforms and educates in Spinal Cord Stimulation. He was one of the earliest adaptors of the MILD procedure, Vertiflex, PainTEQ percutaneous SIJ fusion, and the Intracept procedure. He also regularly preforms and teaches in Vertebroplasty, Balloon Assisted Vertebroplasty (Kyphoplasty), Sacropasty and SpineJack.
Dr Fotopoulos is a proud veteran of the United States Navy Diving community and an active Police Officer and additionally a SWAT Medical Direct...