Qualified Medical Evaluator Expert Witnesses

Qualified medical evaluator expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on qualified medical evaluator. The qualified medical evaluator expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Chiropractic and Physical Therapy.

Paul J. Marsh, DC, QME

Chiro Expert: Standard of Care & Malpractice

Paul J. Marsh Chiropractic Corporation

San Diego, California
Chiropractic, Physical Therapy - Chiropractic Fraud, Standard of Care, Chiropractic Case Review, Chiropractic Malpractice, Medical Record Review, Forensic Chiropractic, Peer Review, Independent Medical Evaluation, Qualified Medical Evaluator, Regulatory Issues, Workers' Compensation, Personal Injury
WORK EXPERIENCE -  Arrowhead Evaluation Services QME, AME, IME- San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Fresno Counties  Exam Works- QME, IME- San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles  Align Networks / One Call Care Management - Lead peer review physician for entire US  President / CFO- S.T.A.R. Centers - Physical Therapy Corporation: 2002 -2005  Private practice - Chiropractic & physical rehabilitation 1997 to present California Chiropractic Association- Workers' Compensation Committee Chairman 2023 -present UTILZATION & PEER REVIEW –  Align Networks  Broadspire  Geico  Medical Claims Evaluators  Medical Consultants Network  Medical Evaluation Specialists  MedView  North American Consultants  USAA  EXAM WORKS PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS & ACHIEVEMENTS -  Rehabilitation Nurse Coordinators Network - Executive Board of Directors  R.I.M.S.(SD Chapter Risk Mgmt Society) –Member / volunteer  San Diego Down Town Breakfast Rotary Club - 2006 to Present  San Die...