Qme Expert Witnesses
Qme expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on qme. The qme expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Anesthesiology, Brain Injury Medicine, Neuropsychology, Pain Management - Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehab, and Psychology.
Daniel Neudorf, DO
Brain Injury, PM&R, and Life Care Planning Expert
California Rehab Physicians
Felton, California
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Brain Injury Medicine
Brain Injury, Spinal Cord, Stroke, Trauma, Orthopedic, Musculoskeletal, TBI, IME, Life Care Plan, QME, Causation, Disability, Nerve, Spine, Injury, Catastrophic, SCI, Rehabilitation, Expert, Brain
Dr. Neudorf is Dual Boarded in PM&R and Brain Injury Medicine, with 10+ years experience managing traumatic brain injury, stroke, nontraumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, musculoskeletal injury, non-surgical orthopedics, non-surgical spine, and complex polytrauma. Additionally he is a QME for State of CA and a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP). He provides thorough, defensible IME reports and life care plans, and is poised and articulate in testimony.
-Board Certified in PM&R and Brain Injury Medicine
-Fellow of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (FAAPMR)
-Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP)
-Qualified Medical Examiner for the State of CA (QME)
-Sacramento Top Doctor 2022
Jordan L. Newmark, MD, QME
Nationally recognized and experienced expert.
E&S Newmark Consulting | Stanford University School of Medicine
Redwood City , California
Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology
Chronic pain, acute pain, opioids, workers' compensation, disability, addiction, surgery, perioperative, Nerve injury, interventional pain, trauma, Headache facial pain, Neuropathy, medical education, RSD, QME, independent medical evaluation, IME, CRPS, Spine
Dr. Newmark is an ABA, double board certified, Anesthesiologist and Pain Medicine Physician. He is President & CEO of E&S Newmark Consulting focused on the practice of medicine, qualified medical evaluation, expert witnessing, career and academic development, & medical-leadership consulting.
He remains as an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor at Stanford University. He has authored multiple journal articles, book chapters, and maintains an active simulation based pain and research program at Stanford University.
Dr. Newmark has over 10 years of expert witness and medicolegal experience.
Dr. Newmark won numerous awards from the American Academy of Pain Medicine, Stanford University and Alameda Health System.
Dr. Newmark is the former Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology of Alameda Health System, as well as the former Medical Director for Pain Management and Functional Restoration at Highland Hospital in Oakland, California.
The overall focus of Dr. Newmark's ...
Delia M Silva, PsyD, ABPP-CN, QME
Board Certified Neuropsychologist, English/Spanish
Escondido, California
Neuropsychology, Psychology
TBI, traumatic brain injury, Spanish, board-certified, ABPP, ABPP-CN, concussion, brain injury, dementia, depression, anxiety, PTSD, chronic pain, somatoform disorders, cognitive, workers comp, QME, AME, IME
Dr. Silva is one of very few Spanish-speaking, board-certified neuropsychologists in the state of California. She can serve as a neuropsychological or psychological expert witness for civil forensic cases, particularly personal injury cases. She takes a balanced approach in evaluating neurological and medical factors as well as psychological variables. All of her evaluations include objective measurement of response bias/effort and symptom validity. Her interpretations are purely based on the objective data and evidence-based research. She has performed work for both defense and plaintiff's attorneys.
Her specialties are with traumatic brain injuries (TBI), neurodegenerative conditions, strokes, and psychiatric conditions that include posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), somatoform disorders, and mood and anxiety disorders.
She has held board positions in national, state, and local neuropsychological organizations (HNS, CPA, SDPA), and is an active member of other organization...
Stuart A. Rubin, MD, MPH
Injury and Disability Consultant - Expert Witness
Stuart Rubin, MD, PA
Boynton Beach, Florida
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Pain Management - Medicine
Falls, CRPS, Stroke, QME, FCES, Sports Medicine, Nursing Home, Low Back Pain, Independent Medical Evaluations (IME), Causation, Home Health Care, File Reviews/Peer Reviews, Electrical Burns, Spinal Cord Injury, Impairment Ratings, Former CARF Surveyor, Acupuncture, Work Injuries, Injury, Disibility
Let us help you win the case with our innovative approach.
Dr. Stuart Rubin has helped many clients better present their cases and better articulate their medical and functional concerns.
Dr. Rubin has 30 + years experience and has performed over 1000 Disability Reviews, Chart Reviews and IMEs.
His services are utilized throughout the United States.
His clients include government agencies, the legal profession, the insurance industry and individuals. He has evaluated many professional athletes via third parties.)
Dr. Rubin is double board certified in PMR and pain medicine.
Board Certified: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Board Certified: Pain Medicine (ABMS)
Qualified Medical Examiner - State of California
Certified in Acupuncture - New York State
New York State Workmen's Compensation Provider
Licensed: FL. NY, CA
Fellowship: Pain Management - Dept. ...