Professional Traffic Operations Engineer Expert Witnesses

Professional traffic operations engineer expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on professional traffic operations engineer. The professional traffic operations engineer expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Civil Engineering and Traffic Engineering.

Jeffrey A Sanchez, P.E., PTOE

Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE)

Mesa, Arizona
Traffic Engineering, Civil Engineering - Construction Traffic Control, Traffic Engineer, Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, PTOE, Signal Timing Analysis, Temporary Traffic Control, Permanent Traffic Control, Intersection Sight Distance, Highway Signage, Road Signs, Traffic, Transportation Engineer, Work Zone, Construction Zone
I hold a B.S. in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in structural engineering from the United States Coast Guard Academy. I am a professional engineer and hold a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer (PTOE) Certification from the Transportation Professional Certification Board (TPCB). I have 15+ years of experience in traffic control and roadway design, highway construction project management, and highway maintenance. I have 5+ years experience in forensic engineering investigations for vehicle accidents related to temporary and permanent traffic control, roadway design, roadway construction, and traffic signal timing. I have been deposed and testified at trial as an expert witness on multiple occasions and have written well over 400 technical reports. I worked for the New Mexico Department of Transportation as a traffic engineer, engineering design manager, and maintenance engineer for a combined 7 years. I worked as a project manager for 5 years for bridge, roadway, and underground...