Out Of Scope Modalities Or Techniques Expert Witnesses

Out of scope modalities or techniques expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on out of scope modalities or techniques. The out of scope modalities or techniques expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Massage and Pathology.

Ed Rockowitz, ART, PDTR, LMT

Ahhh Massage Inc

San Leandro , California
Massage, Pathology - Massage Injuries, contraindications, back pain, car accident, whiplash, malpractice, ethics, state licensening, out of scope modalities or techniques
I have experience both an as advanced practitioner and as a business owner. As a practitioner, I worked with the Oakland Raiders, National Volleyball Assoc, CrossFit Games and US Rugby team with over 22 years of experience in musculoskeletal, neurological injuries with an orthopedic massage/bodywork practice. www.neurobodywork.com I am the Founder/CEO of Ahhh Massage Inc. I have managed over 1000 massage therapists nationally for corporate and private events and onsite massages for the past 20+ years. I was an expert trial witness, July 2015: U.S. vs Albert Hee Fed court in HI and worked to assist 6 other legal teams 2021-present with docs, depos and advice to help mitigate massage injury cases quickly. Other intangables: I respond fast to all inquries and work fast!