Nerve Block / Injury Expert Witnesses

Nerve block / injury expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on nerve block / injury. The nerve block / injury expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Anesthesiology.

Justin Black, MD

Silver Spring, Maryland
Anesthesiology - General anesthesia, Regional anesthesia, Airway management, Difficult airway, Nerve block / injury, Opiate, Acute pain, Recovery room, Awareness, Ultrasound, Aspiration, Blood pressure, Monitored Anesthesia Care - MA, Conscious sedation, Epidural, Spinal, Obstetric anesthesia, Death, Pregnancy, CPR
Dr. Justin Black is a board-certified, award-winning anesthesiologist working full-time in active clinical practice throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C. With over 15 years of clinical experience, Dr. Black is an expert in many areas of general anesthesia. His expertise includes advanced techniques such as ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia, including peripheral nerve blocks for operative and post-operative acute pain control. He has extensive experience with solo practice and medical direction, supervising certified registered nurse anesthetists. In addition to his clinical commitment, Dr. Black has effectively performed in critical leadership positions, including successfully serving as interim chairman of the Department of Anesthesia at a renowned community hospital in Baltimore, MD throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Experienced as a public speaker, he can clearly and effectively articulate his analysis and findings of compliance or deviation from standard of care and causat...