Necrotizing Fasciitis Expert Witnesses

Necrotizing fasciitis expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on necrotizing fasciitis. The necrotizing fasciitis expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Hospital Administration, Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, Trauma Surgery, and Wound Care.

Ramzi Asfour, MD

Praxis Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - COVID-19, nursing homes, long term care, sepsis, necrotizing fasciitis, infections, surgical site infections, infection control, antimicrobial stewardship, consulting, insurance, case review, medical malpractice, standards of care, bacterial or viral infections, outbreak management
Ramzi Asfour, MD, is board certified in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine (Volunteer) at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). In addition to his 20+ years of extensive private practice, Dr. Asfour has privileges at five California hospitals (Alameda County Medical Center, Alameda Hospital, Sutter Lakeside Hospital, Sutter Eden Medical Center, and Mammoth Hospital). Dr. Asfour has worked for the World Health Organization in Geneva in the HIV / AIDS department, developing training programs for doctors in HIV. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Asfour also advises hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, schools, and businesses on infection control, including outbreak control and COVID-19, and antimicrobial stewardship. Dr. Asfour has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys to provide clear, independent opinions on matters involving: Medical malpractice, standards of care, sepsis,...

Ramzi Asfour, MD

Praxis Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - COVID-19, nursing homes, long term care, sepsis, necrotizing fasciitis, infections, surgical site infections, infection control, antimicrobial stewardship, consulting, insurance, case review, medical malpractice, standards of care, bacterial or viral infections, outbreak management
Ramzi Asfour, MD, is board certified in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine (Volunteer) at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). In addition to his 20+ years of extensive private practice, Dr. Asfour has privileges at five California hospitals (Alameda County Medical Center, Alameda Hospital, Sutter Lakeside Hospital, Sutter Eden Medical Center, and Mammoth Hospital). Dr. Asfour has worked for the World Health Organization in Geneva in the HIV / AIDS department, developing training programs for doctors in HIV. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Asfour also advises hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, schools, and businesses on infection control, including outbreak control and COVID-19, and antimicrobial stewardship. Dr. Asfour has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys to provide clear, independent opinions on matters involving: Medical malpractice, standards of care, sepsis,...

Gregory S Campbell, MD

Emergency Acute Care Trauma Surgeon Critical Care

North County Surgical Associates

San Diego, California
Critical Care Surgery, Trauma Surgery - Emergency Surgery, Cholecystitis, Resuscitation, Critical Care, Diverticulitis, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Abdominal Surgery, Incarcerated Hernias, Percutaneous Tracheostomy, Appendectomy, Trauma, Bowel Obstruction, Necrotizing Fasciitis, Wound complications, Soft tissue Infections
Dr. Campbell's strength as an expert witness is to simplify complex medical /surgical issues for non medical personel to understand. He has practiced exclusively Trauma and Acute Care since 2004. He prides himself on being up to date with current literature. He is very comfortable speaking in public, and can be on the Defense or Plaintiff side of a case. All charts will be reviewed objectively in critical detail. Board Certified in General Surgery 2000 to present Board Certified in Surgical Critical Care 2002 to present ATLS Instructor/Faculty Primary Focus on Trauma and Acute Care Surgery with complex ICU Resuscitation. Navy Veteran 17 years with multiple overseas deployments as well as serving in Iraq 2003 Member of Western Trauma Association Chief of Surgery Palomar Medical Center 2021 -2023 Chief Of Surgery Elect Palomar Medical Center 2026 -2028 Operating Room Chair 2020 to present Trauma ICU Director 2020 to present Trauma IMC Director 2020- present Trauma Medical Surgical...

John P Lieberman, MD, CPHQ

Infectious Diseases Expert

Expert Infectious Diseases Consulting Services

Denver , Colorado
Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - Sepsis, Postoperative Infections, Nursing Homes, Hospital Acquired Infections, Medical Device Associated Infections, COVID-19, C. Diff, Bacteremia, MRSA, VRE, Diabetic Infections, Hospital Acquired Pneumonia, Meningitis, Necrotizing Fasciitis, Spinal Infections, Catheter Related Infections, ICU
*Over 20 years practicing Infectious Diseases; experience as a clinician, a leader, educator and small business owner *Routine management of a diverse and complex patient population *Double Board Certified ** Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases ** *Educator-oversaw bedside clinical teaching rounds of medical students and residents, as well as provided didactic lectures *Medical Director of Infection Control and Prevention-led evidence based efforts to reduce incidence of hospital acquired infections *Chair of antibiotic stewardship committees-collaborated with hospital pharmacies, administration and medical staff on best practices for appropriate use of antimicrobials *Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality from the National Association on Healthcare Quality-committed to improving healthcare quality and safety

Gregory S Campbell, MD

Emergency Acute Care Trauma Surgeon Critical Care

North County Surgical Associates

Critical Care Surgery, Trauma Surgery - Emergency Surgery, Cholecystitis, Resuscitation, Critical Care, Diverticulitis, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Abdominal Surgery, Incarcerated Hernias, Percutaneous Tracheostomy, Appendectomy, Trauma, Bowel Obstruction, Necrotizing Fasciitis, Wound complications, Soft tissue Infections
Dr. Campbell's strength as an expert witness is to simplify complex medical /surgical issues for non medical personel to understand. He has practiced exclusively Trauma and Acute Care since 2004. He prides himself on being up to date with current literature. He is very comfortable speaking in public, and can be on the Defense or Plaintiff side of a case. All charts will be reviewed objectively in critical detail. Board Certified in General Surgery 2000 to present Board Certified in Surgical Critical Care 2002 to present ATLS Instructor/Faculty Primary Focus on Trauma and Acute Care Surgery with complex ICU Resuscitation. Navy Veteran 17 years with multiple overseas deployments as well as serving in Iraq 2003 Member of Western Trauma Association Chief of Surgery Palomar Medical Center 2021 -2023 Chief Of Surgery Elect Palomar Medical Center 2026 -2028 Operating Room Chair 2020 to present Trauma ICU Director 2020 to present Trauma IMC Director 2020- present Trauma Medical Surgical...

Bruce C Friedman, MD

Nationally & International Expert Burns/ICU Care

Augusta, Georgia
Critical Care Medicine, Internal Medicine - Burns, Necrotizing Fasciitis, TENS, Hyperbaric Medicine, Sepsis, Shock, Critical Care Infectious disease, Critical Care Nutrition and Critical Care Pain Management, Acute Lung Injury, Internal medicine, Critical Care Hematology, Critical Care Renal Disease
Certificate in Nutrition Support Certificate in Hyperbaric Medicine Fellow Critical Care Medicine Fellow American College of Chest Physicians Professor of Medicine, Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine and Surgery Augusta University Medical Center (Teaching Fellows) Critical Care and Co-Director JM Still Burn Center Over 150 Peer-reviewed Publications (Includes NEJM, Lancet) Principal Investigator in 90 Clinical Trials Patent Law Case Participation and Experience

Joshua S Carson, MD, FACS

Loyola University Medical Center

Oak Park, Illinois
Trauma Surgery, Wound Care - Burns, Burn Care, Burn Surgery, Pediatric burns, Acute wounds, Complex wound care, Frostbite, SJS and TENS, Surgical Critical Care, Inhalation injury, Severe soft tissue infection, Necrotizing fasciitis
Dr. Carson is an academic burn surgeon and Burn Medical Director of the Loyola University Burn Center, one of the busiest burn centers in the country. He is board certified in general surgery and surgical critical care. His clinical and academic interests both focus on burn injuries and other injuries to the skin and soft tissues, including both acute management and management of long term sequelae (eg burn reconstruction and scar management). He treats both adult and pediatric patients. Dr. Carson has treated thousands of patients with serious burn injuries, and has published extensively on burn surgery, wound care and related topics. A respected authority in the field of burn care, Dr. Carson is a member of the editorial board of the field's pre-eminent journal (JBCR), and serves on national committees of several burn-related professional associations (American Burn Association, Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma).

Vincent G Pons, MD

Helena, Montana
Infectious Diseases - Central Nervous System Infections (meningitis, brain abscess), Influenza, Pneumonia, Prosthetic Joint Infections, Soft Tissue Infections including Necrotizing Fasciitis, Osteomyelitis
Infectious disease consult for DRMC Hospital in Palm Springs.

Ramzi Asfour, MD

Praxis Infectious Diseases

Henderson, Nevada
Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - COVID-19, nursing homes, long term care, sepsis, necrotizing fasciitis, infections, surgical site infections, infection control, antimicrobial stewardship, consulting, insurance, case review, medical malpractice, standards of care, bacterial or viral infections, outbreak management
Ramzi Asfour, MD, is board certified in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine (Volunteer) at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). In addition to his 20+ years of extensive private practice, Dr. Asfour has privileges at five California hospitals (Alameda County Medical Center, Alameda Hospital, Sutter Lakeside Hospital, Sutter Eden Medical Center, and Mammoth Hospital). Dr. Asfour has worked for the World Health Organization in Geneva in the HIV / AIDS department, developing training programs for doctors in HIV. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Asfour also advises hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, schools, and businesses on infection control, including outbreak control and COVID-19, and antimicrobial stewardship. Dr. Asfour has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys to provide clear, independent opinions on matters involving: Medical malpractice, standards of care, sepsis,...

Ira A Gurland, MD

East Brunswick, New Jersey
Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - COVID 19, HIV, AIDS, surgical infections, necrotizing fasciitis, prosthetic joint infection, diabetic foot infection, bacteremia, endocarditis, urinary tract infection, prostatitis, cellulitis, wound, vaccine, Lyme disease, antibiotics, fungal infections, bacterial infections, travel medicine
I am a board certified infectious diseases physician and internist in active clinical practice in central New Jersey for 24 years. I have had the privilege of being retained for independent medical evaluations in a variety of cases. The goals of these examinations have included evaluating the merits of a case for trial, evaluating insurer’s liability, workman’s compensation and medical malpractice. Diagnoses involved in these matters have included COVID-19 infection, diabetic foot infection leading to limb loss, surgical site infections, necrotizing fasciitis, cellulitis, foodborne infections, HIV and many others. I have the ability to break down complex medical jargon and make it understandable. I am willing to provide redacted reports.

Richard Snepar, MD, FACP, FIDSA

East Brunswick, New Jersey
Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - COVID-19, sepsis, endocarditis, bacteremia, bacterial infections, virus, MRSA, urinary tract infections, surgical infections, sexually transmitted infections, necrotizing fasciitis, osteomyelitis, prosthetic joint infections, spine infections, device-related infections, nursing home infections
I am a board-certified infectious disease physician and internist. I am active in a busy clinical practice in New Jersey. I am an attending at three hospitals and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. I have been doing expert medical reviews for over 10 years. I am comfortable evaluating the merits of a case both for plaintiff and defense. I am comfortable with deposition and trial testimony. Clinically I consult and manage infectious diseases in outpatients and hospitalized patients including the emergency room and ICU. I also consult and manage patients in long-term care facilities and nursing homes. These reviews have included but are not limited to: COVID-19, sepsis, septic shock, endocarditis, bacteremia, bacterial infections including MRSA, diabetic foot infections, urinary tract infections, surgical infections and complications of surgery, viral infections, necrotizing fasciitis, osteomyelitis, spine infections, prostheti...

Mark Winther, MD, FACEP

Emergency Physician and ER Administrator

New York Physicians Medical Legal Consulting, LLC.

Albany, New York
Emergency Medicine, Hospital Administration - Sepsis, septic shock, alcohol related injuries, telemedicine, nurse practitioner and physician assistant supervision, decubitus ulcers, COVID-19, heart attack, TIA, stroke, airway management, necrotizing fasciitis, appendicitis, testicular torsion, ectopic pregnancy, pulmonary embolism, suicide
Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Experienced Clinician and Expert Witness, Prior Department Chair and Hospital Medical Director, ED Director, Urgent Care Medical Director. Experience in over 80 cases Emergency Medicine Residency Trained; Columbia Medical School Faculty Developed physician assistant and nurse practitioner emergency medicine fellowship. ATLS, ACLS, BLS, and PALS certified X-License DEA Certification Trained EMT, EMS Medical Director Experience in Level II Trauma Center & Stroke Center, rural and critical access hospitals and urgent care centers. Interests: Sepsis/Septic Shock, necrotizing fasciitis, alcohol related injuries, Heart attack/MI care, resuscitation, airway management, telemedicine, quality oversite and training of physician assistants (PA-C), and nurse practitioners (NP) in emergency care. Skilled in utilization of video laryngoscopy for emergency airway management Completed multiple SEAK expert witness training courses. *Responsive and Easily...

Ajay Kohli, MD, JD, FAAEM

Emergency Medicine Physician - Duke Faculty

Durham, North Carolina
Emergency Medicine - MI, heart attack, myocardial infarction, stroke, sepsis, cellulitis, infection, abdominal pain, chest pain, appendicitis, necrotizing fasciitis, shortness of breath, cardiac arrest, small bowel obstruction, kidney stone, airway, airway management, central line
I am currently practicing as a board-certified emergency medicine physician at Duke University Hospital, where I have worked for 9 years, as well as the Durham VA Hospital. I completed my residency training at Emory Healthcare/Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA. I am an experienced educator and have taught medical students, PA students, nursing students and resident physicians. I am a former attorney, having previously worked as a corporate lawyer at a large international firm in New York City, and currently teach various medicolegal topics. I have served as an expert reviewer for numerous medical malpractice cases.

Igor Melnychuk, MD

Asheville, North Carolina
Wound Care, Infectious Diseases - Sepsis, septic shock, surgical infections, prosthetic joint infections, necrotizing fasciitis, COVID-19, lymphedema, osteomyelitis, pressure ulcer, bedsore, decubitus, diabetic foot ulcer, leg amputation, retained wound dressings, wound vac, burns, nursing homes, assisted living, cause of death
I am actively practicing Wound Care and Infectious Diseases and have nearly two decades of experience in both areas. I have worked in various practice settings and am knowledgeable about corresponding standards of care. I provide expertise and have testified in both Wound Care and Infectious Disease-related cases. I teach medical and nursing students and perform peer reviews for one of the leading national wound care journals, "Advances in Skin & Wound Care." Besides being Board Certified in Infectious Diseases and CMET-certified in Wound Care, I am also Board Certified in Internal Medicine. In addition, I hold certifications in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Lymphedema Therapy. I ranked in the top 10% of doctors in training nationally and have stayed current with general medical topics throughout my career as a subspecialist. In 2022, I received a national award for Outstanding Contributions to Wound Care. I am also an NPIAP group member for the development of the 2025 edition of "P...

Karen D Serrano

Karen D. Serrano, MD Emergency Medicine Physician

University of North Carolina Department of Emergency Medicine

Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Emergency Medicine - Sexual assault, Stroke, Necrotizing fasciitis, Angioedema, Orthopedic injuries, Critical care, Sepsis, Pulmonary embolism, Intubation, Head trauma, Trauma, Cardiovascular disease, Aortic dissection, Ectopic pregnancy, Myocardial infarction, Meningitis, Anaphylaxis, Seizures
Dr. Karen Serrano, MD, is a board-certified, actively practicing emergency medicine physician with 15 years clinical experience in a broad range of practice settings. She is a Clinical Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Hospital, a Level 1 trauma and tertiary care referral center in Chapel Hill, NC. Her experience spans high-acuity academic centers as well as community and rural hospitals, giving her a broad perspective on emergency care in diverse medical settings. She is an experienced educator, playing a vital role in training emergency medicine residents and medical students. Her areas of expertise include emergency medicine malpractice, failure to diagnose, treatment delays, trauma and critical care, toxicology, cardiovascular disease/myocardial infarction, stroke, and sepsis. She also has specialized knowledge in sexual assault evaluations and forensic medicine. Dr. Serrano is a published author in Tintinalli’s Emergency Medi...


Infectious Diseases Physician

Memphis, Tennessee
Infectious Diseases - Osteomyelitis, necrotizing fasciitis, cellulitis, surgical infections, blood stream infections, infections in immunocompromised hosts, COVID-19, urinary tract infections, transplant infectious disease, HIV, brain abscess, pneumonia, sepsis, staphylococcal infections, streptococcal infections, fungi
Dr. Mazumder holds active board certifications in infectious disease and internal medicine and is in active clinical practice for over a decade. She is a tenured associate professor of medicine at a large academic teaching hospital and also serves as the program director of the infectious disease fellowship training program. She received her medical degree from Rush Medical College, completed internal medicine residency at Rush and infectious disease fellowship at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Dr. Mazumder has extensive experience with a various infectious diseases including osteomyelitis, prosthetic joint infections, diabetic foot ulcers, sepsis, COVID-19, pneumonia, HIV, surgical site infections, urinary tract infections, central nervous system infections, fungal infections, staphylococcal infections, blood stream infections, endocarditis, infectious due to multi-drug resistant organisms and infection control. She has published over 30 articles in various med...