Multi Trauma Expert Witnesses
Multi trauma expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on multi trauma. The multi trauma expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Life Care Planning and Physical Medicine & Rehab.
Santo Steve BiFulco, MD, CLCP
BiFulco Medical Group
Tampa, Florida
Life Care Planning, Physical Medicine & Rehab
Damages, permanency, causation, life expectancy, Amputations, Burns, Multi-Trauma, Orthopedic Injuries, Chronic Pain, Certified Life Care Planner, future care, Brain Injuries from mTBI to severe
Dr. BiFulco is a licensed physician in the State of Florida & New York; Dr. BiFulco holds specialty training & certifications in Interventional Pain Management, Radio-Frequency, & Intra-Discal Therapies. Dr. BiFulco is licensed by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency to prescribe. Dr. BiFulco is a Board-Certified Physician Life Care Planner.
Dr. BiFulco’s professional career includes decades of clinical practice, treating over 100 thousand patients with all manners of acute, chronic, & catastrophic injuries and illnesses. Dr. BiFulco has occupied numerous medical directorships and medically-oriented advisorship positions. As a medical doctor/entrepreneur, Dr. BiFulco founded and managed successful clinical practices and medical centers.
Dr. BiFulco’s professional associations include the American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, the American Medical Association, the National Association of Disability Evaluating Professionals, the International Association for...
Linda Curtis, RN, MS, CNLCP, CCM
Life Care Planning/Insurance offsets
Medical Record Review, LLC
Naples, Florida
Life Care Planning
Vaccine Injuries, Insurance offsets, Brain Injury, Multi-trauma, Spinal Cord Injuries, Auto Immune Diseases, Chronic Pain, Complex cases, Delayed recovery, Catastrophic case management, Home Assessments/Evaluations, Burns, Special Needs Trust Advisor, LCP Rebuttals, RN Flight Travel Support
Ms. Curtis has over 42 years of nursing experience that includes spinal cord and brain injuries, multi trauma, burn and orthopedic injuries, auto immune disease, home care, intensive care nursing and chronic pain. She is a Veteran having served in the United States Air Force Nurse Corp from 1985 thru 1988.
In 1995 Ms. Curtis established Medical Record Review, LLC where she has been serving as President and a consulting expert. MRR provides Life Care Planning, Medical Record Reviews, Medical Cost Projections, Catastrophic Case Management, RN Flight travel support and In-Home Veteran Assessments. She has extensive experience with use of collateral resources and insurance offsets.
Ms. Curtis works as a consultant with the insurance industry, attorneys, as well as a variety of medically related clients. Provides expert testimony as needed.
She has been a consulting expert for the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for the past 20 years and since 2021 a consultant with ...
David Lancaster, DO, CLCP, CIME
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Life Care Planning, IME
Lancaster Medical Associates, LLC
Columbia, Missouri
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Life Care Planning
TBI, SCI, Spinal Cord Injury, Multi Trauma, Musculoskeletal, Disability, Damages, Auto Accident Injury, Pain, Fall, Personal Injury, Board Certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Independent Medical Exam, IME, Tort, Nerve Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Cost Projection, Amputation
Dr. Lancaster is a Board Certified PM&R physician, Certified Life Care Planner, and Certified Independent Medical Examiner with 20 years of experience. He is available for life care planning for larger cases and cost projections for smaller cases. Dr. Lancaster's experience encompasses stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple trauma, debility, amputation, pressure wounds, burns, neurological disorders, musculoskeletal injuries, falls, critical illness myopathy, and electrodiagnostic testing (EMGs). Previously, Dr. Lancaster served for 10 years as the Medical Director of Capital Region Medical Center’s in-patient rehabilitation unit in Jefferson City, MO. During his tenure, he also ran a busy out-patient practice specializing in acute and chronic pain, electrodiagnostic studies, and osteopathic manipulation. Dr. Lancaster is licensed and available in Missouri as well as available nationally. He and his assistant are personable and ready to assist with client need...