1 Mindfulness & Meditation Expert Witness Found

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Gregory P Brown, MD

Henderson, Nevada
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - testamentary capacity, contractual capacity, undue influence, guardianship, civil litigation, brain injury, personal injury, return to work, disability evaluation
...Brown has conducted thousands of forensic evaluations and rendered expert witness deposition or court testimony more than 80 times in civil and criminal cases for over 20 years. Dr. Brown testifies on a range of psychiatric issues that arise in litigation, which include but are not limited to testamentary/estate administration disputes, undue influence, fraud, elder abuse, personal injury and mental competency. Dr. Brown has conducted more than 10,000 forensic assessments, including civil commitment evaluations conducted for Clark County. Dr. Brown is Board Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in the fields of Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry. Dr. Brown is Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Nevada Las Vegas School of Medicine and Program Director for the Psychiatry Residency Training Program in Las Vegas. Dr. Brown’s clinical practice is based in the greater Las Vegas area, though he conducts his forensic practice where he is needed....