Laser Treatments Expert Witnesses
Laser treatments expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on laser treatments. The laser treatments expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Cosmetic Surgery, Dermatology, Ophthalmology, and Plastic Surgery Within the Head and Neck.
Howard K Steinman, MD, FAAD, FACMS
Mohs & Dermatologic Surgery; Cosmetic Dermatology
Lewisville, Texas
Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery
Mohs surgery, skin cancer, skin surgery, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma, scars, wound reconstruction, surgical complications, skin cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis, botulinum injections, dermal fillers, chemical peels, laser treatments
Dr. Steinman is a board-certified dermatologist, fellowship-trained Mohs surgeon and cosmetic dermatologist with more than 40 years of clinical experience. He has been retained to review over 50 cases and has participated in nine depositions and six court testimonies since 1992 for both plaintiffs and defendants. Dr. Steinman has experience reviewing adverse events related to Mohs surgery, skin cancers, surgical complications, misdiagnoses, delayed diagnoses, liquid nitrogen treatment, chemical peels, laser, blepharoplasty, chemical burns, domestic violence scars, and criminal violence scars.
He received the 2024 American Academy of Dermatology Presidential Citation for dedication as an educator of excellence of Mohs surgery. Also in 2024, he was appointed an Honorary Lifetime Fellow with Distinction by the American Society for Mohs Surgery.
He retired from full-time clinical practice in 2022, but still provides expert witness services and teaches dermatology surgery to reside...
Ophthalmology Expert
ARLINGTON , Virginia
Ophthalmology, Plastic Surgery Within the Head and Neck
Lasik, cataract surgery, pterygium surgery, medical retina, glaucoma, corneal procedures, facial aesthetics, oculoplastics, trauma and injuries, blepharoplasty, laser treatments, optometry, malpractice cases, ophthalmology emergencies, retinal lasers, intravitreal retinal injections, IMEs, coding
I am a Board Certified Ophthalmologist who graduated with honors from a highly competitive 6 year BS-MD program. I have over 20 years of clinical experience in ophthalmology and am familiar and experienced in most clinical and surgical fields of ophthalmology including but not limited to Lasik/PRK, cataract surgery, ocular trauma, glaucoma treatment and surgery, corneal diseases and surgeries , pterygium surgeries, retinal lasers and intravitreal injections, facial aesthetics including botox and fillers, and oculoplastics. I have over 15 years experience with and enjoy doing chart reviews, serving as an expert witness, and performing independent and disability medical examinations. I have significant knowledge and experience in dealing with ocular trauma and surgical complication cases. I am well versed in ocular sequalae resulting from traumatic brain injuries. I am on faculty at The George Washingon University. I have served on both defense and plaintiff cases. Other lawy...