Gi Expert Witnesses

Gi expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on gi. The gi expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Anesthesiology, Bariatric Surgery, Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse Anesthetist, Orthopedic Surgery, and Urgent Care Medicine.

William J Suggs, MD FACS FASMBS

Alabama Bariatrics

Decatur, Alabama
Bariatric Surgery, General Surgery - Gastric bypass, bariatric surgery, minimally invasive, gastrointestinal, GI, sleeve, laparoscopic, morbidly obese, weight loss surgery, bariatrics, obesity
I am a full-time, board certified surgeon with a fellowship in bariatric surgery, specializing in complex bariatric cases. I have performed over 3500 bariatric operations including intragastric balloons, as well as many, many other related procedures. I also spend a considerable amount of time teaching, and am an associate professor of surgery at our regional medical school as well as serve as the Director of Medical Education for our hospital's medical student teaching program. I have reviewed over 30 cases in the last decade, have issued written reports, given numerous depositions, and testified in court as an expert witness. I have served on hospital peer-review committees and executive committees, the board of our state medical society and state board of medical examiners, published peer-reviewed articles, and am currently a surveyor for a national surgical quality accreditation program. I limit my expert witness services to bariatric surgery cases and general surgery complicati...

Alexis Chaudron, EdD, MSN, MHA, RN, CNOR, NEA-BC, FACHE

Perioperative Services Nurse Expert Witness

AEC Consulting LLC

Studio City, California
Legal Nurse Consulting, Orthopedic Surgery - Operating Room Nurse, Circulator Nurse, Scrub Nurse, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, General Surgery, ENT Surgery, Plastic Surgery, DaVinci Robotic Surgery, GYN Surgery, Urological Surgery, and Pediatric Surgery, SPD, Pre-Op, PACU/Recovery, Surgery Center, GI, Nursing Leadership, Patient Safety
Alexis Chaudron is the owner of AEC Consulting LLC, an independent consulting practice through which she provides healthcare expertise honed through 15+ years of healthcare experience. Ms. Chaudron has provided expert witness services for medical legal cases. She has analyzed medical charts, depositions, declarations and other related documents to ascertain if the nursing standard of care has been met. Ms. Chaudron has provided depositions and expert testimony as needed depending on case requirements. She has worked for both plaintiffs and defense in medical malpractice and wrongful termination cases. Ms. Chaudron has a Bachelor of Arts in Public Health Studies from the Johns Hopkins University and a Master's of Healthcare Administration from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She continued to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a Master’s of Science in Nursing from the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing after working for years in healthcare administr...

Christian Jackson, MD FACG

Gastroenterology Expert Witness

Specialty Experts

Westlake Village , California
Gastroenterology - GI, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), diarrhea, constipation, colorectal cancer screening and surveillance, iron deficiency anemia, GI bleeding, gastrointestinal angiodysplasia (GIAD), Barrett's esophagus, colonoscopy, endoscopy, endomicroscopy, sedation complication, small bowel disease
Credentials: - Diplomate American Board of Internal Medicine, subspecialty in Gastroenterology Affiliations: - Health Sciences Clinical Professor, University California Riverside - Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology - Assistant Clinical Associate professor of Public health, Loma Linda University school of Public Health - Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, Loma Linda University- Medical Center Hospital Affiliations: - Loma Linda VA Healthcare System Dr. Christian Jackson is board-certified in Gastroenterology specializing in both general and complex gastrointestinal diseases with over 18 years of experience. His medical interests include the treatment of a wide array of gastrointestinal conditions including but not limited to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), diarrhea, constipation, colorectal cancer screening and surveillance, iron deficiency anemia and gastrointestinal bleeding. Dr. Jackson is widely respected for his unique focus on gastroi...

Christopher D Olenek, DO

Urgent Care Family Medicine Covid related Illness

Optimal Health Dr Christopher Olenek LLC

Vero Beach, Florida
Urgent Care Medicine, Family Medicine - Covid infections, GI, Neurosurgical, Covid Vaccine complications, Pulmonary, Orthopedic, Musculoskeletal, Urologic, Cardiac, Neurologic
CHRISTOPHER D. OLENEK, D.O. FACOFP Optimal Health 927 37th Place Vero Beach, Fl 32960 772-770-6225 Specialty: Board Certified Family Medicine 2002 Professional Experience: East Side Urgent Care 927 37th Place, Vero Beach, Fl 32960 September2010-Present Owner, CEO, Medical Director September 2010-Preen Triage , Diagnose and Treat Urgent and Emergent medical and surgical conditions. ...

Janet Graham, MSN, CRNA

Anesthesia CRNA Standards of Care Expert Witness

Prefer a text msg as contact method!

Lakeland, Tennessee
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist - Anesthesia, Airway Management, Trauma, GI, Dentistry, Office Based Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care, Orthopedics, ENT, Ambulatory Surgery Center, PACU, Informed Consent, Medication Errors, Paralytics, Propofol, Patient Safety, Endoscopic, CRNA
I am a dedicated full time practicing anesthesia provider with 12 years clinical experience and cardiovascular ICU nursing experience dating back to 2005. Prior to my nursing degree in 2005, I joined the nursing internship program working in the same CV ICU unit for 2 years, in total 20+ years experience in the critcal care setting. My anesthesia practice has been in various institutional hospital-based sizes, including in a level 1 trauma center, rural hospital, and outpatient settings across multiple states. I have served as a clinical preceptor for student nurse anesthetist training programs throughout my career. I have worked in numerous facilities with varying surgeons, patient populations, and techniques involving different anesthesia modalities. As an anesthesia provider, my various work histories have allowed me to have a broader skill set, cultural awareness of many ethnic groups, and the ability to adapt to managing diverse clinical scenarios when presented with them...

Michael Quinn, DO

Fincastle, Virginia
Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine - Gastroenterology, GI, Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, EGD, ERCP, Alcohol liver disease, GERD/swallowing, Barrett's Esophagus, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Liver disease, Cirrhosis, Diverticulitis, Ulcers, PEG tubes Feeding tubes, Pancreatitis, Gastrointestinal bleeding, Perforation, GI tract cancers
Will provide medical document review, reports, and testimony for both plaintiff and defense attorneys. Board certified in Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine. Performs colonoscopies, EGD (upper GI endoscopy), ERCP, PEG tube/feeding tube insertions and care. Provides teaching to medical students and Internal Medicine residents Will serve as associate program director to a Gastroenterology Fellowship program beginning in July 2024 Easily reachable, available, and quick to respond