Experience Modification Factor Expert Witnesses

Experience modification factor expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on experience modification factor. The experience modification factor expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Insurance.

Raymond W Wills, AIC

Claim Auditing and Premium Analysis Services Company (CAAPASCO)

Woodridge, Illinois
Insurance - workers' compensation, premium disputes, Best Practices, policy/contract/collateral analysis, retrospective rated policies, deductible policies, experience modification factor, claim evaluations, policy side agreements, reserving, return to work, payroll audit, classification codes
Raymond Wills began his insurance career in 1976. He is an insurance professional with a vast knowledge base and extensive command of the insurance industry that has included workers’ compensation, general liability, product liability, professional liability and run-off claims. He was formerly a member of a risk management and consulting firm that provided third party administration for a self-insured workers’ compensation pool which was able to obtain an A.M. Best rating of (A-) that may have been the only pooling arrangement in the United States with such a rating. As a Risk Manager, Consultant and Expert Witness, Mr. Wills has performed extensive insurance program reviews and claim audits on a national basis, with testimony provided when required, for clients pertaining to various issues that have included, but were not limited to: • Premium disputes and monetary damages sustained by the insured/employer related to retrospective, deductible and guaranteed cost insurance program...