Environmental Exposures Expert Witnesses

Environmental exposures expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on environmental exposures. The environmental exposures expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Occupational Medicine and Toxicology.

Manijeh Berenji

Board-certified Occupational Medicine Physician

Oxnard, California
Occupational Medicine, Toxicology - independent medical examination, workers compensation, disability, fitness for duty, chemicals, environmental exposures, risk assessment
Over 11 years of experience in Occupational and Environmental Medicine as well as Toxicology. Associate professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at UC Irvine School of Medicine and Program in Public Health. Certified medico-legal evaluator through the International Academy of Independent Medical Evaluators.