Ears Nose & Throat Expert Witnesses

Ears nose & throat expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on ears nose & throat. The ears nose & throat expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Otolaryngology.

Michael P. Bernstein, MD

Otolaryngology Expert

Michael P Bernstein MD LLC

Enfield, Connecticut
Otolaryngology - Otolaryngology, Ears Nose & Throat, Hearing Disorders, Audiology, Apnea, Facial Trauma, Sinus Problems, Voice/ Swallowing Problems, Head and Neck Infections, Head and Neck Tumors, Head and Neck Surgery
Board certified Otolaryngologist in an active solo private practice for more than 35 years. Experience includes serving on Claims Committee at CMIC (Connecticut Medical Insurance Company) Glastonbury, Ct, reviewing and opining on malpractice claims as the Otolaryngology Expert member of its full multispecialty committee. Have reviewed, reported, and given deposition on cases for both defense and plaintiffs, as well as performing as a reviewer for workers compensation and medical ethics cases. Able to simplify complex material and communicate it effectively. Available and accessible. 8604784733. [email protected]