Divorce Valuation Expert Witnesses

Divorce valuation expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on divorce valuation. The divorce valuation expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Bankruptcy and Business Valuation.

Chris Curtin, CVA

Business Valuations for 21 Years

Business Appraisal FL|GA|HI

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Business Valuation, Bankruptcy - CVA, divorce valuation, partnership dispute, invoice factoring, accounts receivable, business valuation
For over three decades, Chris has assisted entrepreneurs with their business exit strategy, valuation, working capital, credit, and cash flow needs. In 1998, Chris co-founded Bankers Mutual Capital Corp with two partners. Bankers Mutual helped start-ups and high-growth companies by offering Invoice Factoring and Purchase Order Funding. Chris has in-depth knowledge and experience in the valuation, fraud detection, and funding of B2B/B2G Purchase Orders and Invoices and the created Accounts Receivables. Bankers Mutual was sold in 2004. In 2004, Chris formed Bankers Advocate Group, a boutique merger and acquisition firm, to help Entrepreneurs with their final success of Exiting Business Ownership. Bankers Advocate has a business appraisal division, BusinessAppraisalFlorida.com, which for 20 years has provided business valuations up to $150 million for:  Business Sale  Business Acquisition  Exit Planning  Buy-Out Parents or Sell to Children  Sell Your Company to Key Employee...