Computer Order Entry Expert Witnesses

Computer order entry expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on computer order entry. The computer order entry expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: HIPAA and Pharmacist.

Deanna L Allen

Buena Vista Group

San Clemente, California
Pharmacist, HIPAA - Home infusion pharmacy, OSHA, Malpractice, Calculations, Risk assessment, Pharmacy law, Computer order entry, Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), Formulas, Pharmacology, High alert medications, Standard of Care, Medication safety, Warnings and labels, Fraud, Policies and Procedures, Pharmacy workflow
I am a licensed California pharmacist, and a licensed Hawaii pharmacist currently working in hospital pharmacy. My travel pharmacy work throughout facilities in California include the following: ambulatory care clinics, long term care, home care and home infusion pharmacy, retail pharmacy and community pharmacy, and acute care hospitals. I have a combined background in pharmacy with a law degree. I have used the combined expertise to write reports for the California State Board of Pharmacy, conduct risk analyses and assessments, ensure regulatory compliance, identify safety improvement areas, and help prevent errors and near misses, among other activities. My current work is hands-on/front line experience. I am witness to changes happening in real time in many different pharmacy venues: changes in management, pharmacy workflow, policies and procedures, personnel training and competencies, drug protocols, computer documentation, software updates, management of new drugs, and safe...