Claims Standard Of Care Expert Witnesses

Claims standard of care expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on claims standard of care. The claims standard of care expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Insurance and Risk Management.

Frank C. White, Jr. J.D.

ML Insurance Claims Expert Witness LLC.

East Hampton, Connecticut
Insurance - claims standard of care, insurance coverage, claims investigation, claims valuation, claims authority, claims reserving, claims negotiations, best practices, good faith, bad faith, claims practices act, claims liability assessment, claims damage evaluation, claims exposure
Insurance Claims adjustment, standard of care, coverage, liability, causation, damages, investigations, communications, valuation, authority, reserving, negotiation, best practices, good faith, bad faith, claims practices acts and regulations, CGL, Commercial Auto, CUP, Commercial Excess, Inland Marine, Liquor Liability, Workers Compensation, Employer Liability, Garage Owner Liability, Employment Practices Liability, HO, Personal Auto, PUP, D&O, MPL, LPL, Employed Lawyers Liability, Medical Professional Liability, Cyber, Fiduciary Liability, Benefits Administrator Liability, Freight Forwarder Coverage, similar policies. Twenty-Two years insurance claims experience with five carriers and private practice working for, with, and against insurance carriers.

Stephen Miller, CPCU, AIC

Miller Claims & Risk Associates, LLC

Northbridge, Massachusetts
Insurance, Risk Management - Claims Standard of Care, Bad Faith, Nuclear Verdicts, Claims Use of AI, Coverages, Failure to Investigate, Failure to Defend, Failure to Settle, Primary v Excess, Duties to Excess Tower, Third Party Administrators, Insurer Processes
Steve, with over 30 years of experience in the property-casualty insurance industry, offers his services as a consultant/testifying expert witness on matters involving claims practices and norms, standards of care, bad faith, coverage analysis and litigation management. During the course of his career, he has directly adjusted, supervised, managed and/or mediated in over 40 states and the District of Columbia. Steve's deep carrier experience encompasses bodily injury claims, property damage, personal and advertising injury, uninsured and underinsured motorists, subrogation and bad faith/extra contractual liability. He has experience in policy analysis, internal carrier processes, performance metrics, vendor management and litigation management. Steve has worked extensively with third party administrators and self-insureds in "unbundled" claims environments. His clients have ranged from individuals to Fortune 100 companies with large self-insured retentions and large exposures....