Business Of Marijuana Expert Witnesses

Business of marijuana expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on business of marijuana. The business of marijuana expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Business Damages and Cannabis.

Theodore Menadier, MBA

The Business and Cultivation of Marijuana and Hemp

Approach One LLC

Denver, Colorado
Cannabis, Business Damages - Business of Marijuana, Marijuana Cultivation, Hemp Cultivation, Cannabis Propogation, Cannabis Nursury, Marijuana Expert Witness, Marijuana Crop Valuation, Marijuana economic Damages, hemp, CBD, Cannabis, marijuana, marijuana Market Analysis, Hemp Expert Witness, Hemp, Medical Marijuana
I am an expert in the business and cultivation of marijuana and hemp. Over the last four years, I have been retained and provided expert services in over 30 cases and insurance claims. I have experience providing opinions in both State and Federal courts and testifying at depositions and trials. My mix of industry experience and business education (MBA) makes me uniquely qualified to address many issues within the Marijuana and Hemp industries. My business education allows me to analyze markets and a business’s strengths and weaknesses and assess economic impacts in a manner supported by relevant industry, market data, and other relevant documentation. In addition to continuing expert witness case work, I maintain relationships throughout the cannabis industry and credentials to work within it so that I can stay up to date as the industry evolves. My experience in indoor and outdoor cannabis cultivation and business practices gives me first-hand knowledge of industry pract...