Billing And Coding Expert Witnesses

Billing and coding expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on billing and coding. The billing and coding expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Pediatrics.

Kimberly Graziano, MD Pelican Pediatrics

Sebastian , Florida
Pediatrics - Newborn, Infant, Children, Teenager, Adolescent, Primary Care, Newborn Nursery, Standard of Care, Billing and Coding, Newborn Discharge, Behavior, ADHD, Asthma, Vaccines, Child Abuse, Immunizations, RSV, GERD, Breastfeeding, Medication Errors, Custody, Puberty, Pediatrics
Dr. Kimberly Graziano is a Board Certified Pediatrician serving children from birth to 18. Dr. Graziano founded Pelican Pediatrics of Sebastian, Florida in 2005 and continues to serve the east central coast of Florida in active clinical practice. She is highly regarded in her community and is on staff at Sebastian River Medical Center. She practices evidence based medicine and is skilled at diagnostic dilemmas. Dr. Graziano understands current standards of care and provides opinions based solely on facts. She does work for both plaintiff and defense. She also is a Peer Reviewer for the State of Florida Department of Health. Dr. Graziano completed her training at the Ohio State University Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She enjoys teaching and considers expert witness work another opportunity to do so.

Brian Harris, MD Pediatric Associates

Altamonte Springs, Florida
Pediatrics - General Pediatrics, Infants, Children, Adolescents , Pediatric Standard of Care, Evidence Based Medicine, Attention Deficit Disorder, Asthma, Infectious Diseases, Puberty, Billing and Coding, Meningitis, Sepsis, Immunizations, Vaccines, Behavior Issues, Newborns, Child Abuse and Neglect
Dr. Harris is a board certified pediatrician who earned his medical degree from the University of Florida and completed his pediatric internship and residency at Stanford University. With over 30 years of experience in general primary care pediatrics, he has served as the medical director for Altamonte Pediatric Associates. Currently, Dr. Harris holds the position of Clinical Lead Physician, overseeing a team of doctors and nurse practitioners across three offices. Throughout his career, Dr. Harris has been dedicated to mentoring medical students and pediatric residents. His leadership extends beyond clinical practice; he has served as president of the Central Florida Pediatric Society and was the Founding Chairman of the Pediatric Section of Adventhealth Altamonte Hospital, contributing significantly to the establishment of a level 2 NICU for specialized care to newborns. A proponent of evidence-based medicine, Dr. Harris is well-versed in the pediatric standard of care within the...