Founded in 1999, the SEAK Expert Witness Directory is the #1 rated expert witness directory in the industry. We provide attorneys direct access to thousands of experts nationwide, with no referral fees and no middleman. Let SEAK help you grow your expert witness business.

Experts are commonly compensated for their time at $300–$1000/hr.  Most work can be done from your home office and consists of research, analysis and report writing.

                                           Money Back Guarantee for first time members. Join Today!

If you have any questions about joining SEAK, please feel free to contact us: (508) 457-5150 or via email at: 

Why Join the SEAK Expert Witness Directory?

100% Money Back Guarantee

  • We Guarantee that your listing will result in referrals or we will give you your money back. SEAK's Expert Directory is backed by our money back guarantee. Experts (or entities) placing their first listing in the Directory have until April 1, 2026 to cancel and request a full refund of their standard listing fee. 

Unparalleled Exposure

  • Massive Online Presence. Our website averages over 73,000 page views each month. As a SEAK member, you will receive a personalized, search engine optimized expert witness webpage, ensuring tremendous visibility and accessibility.
  • Nationwide Print Directory. Your profile will also be included in our national print directory, which is distributed to tens of thousands of law 
    firms. View a previous print directory.


Direct Engagements with Retaining Attorneys - No Middleman

  • Set Your Own Expert Witness Terms and Fees. You have control over your terms and fees, with no referral fees or restrictions on future engagements with retaining counsel.  This is not the case with most other platforms.
  • Accept or decline whichever cases you want. Choose only the cases that interest you.

Fast and Easy Exposure to Trial Lawyers

  • Immediate Online Presence. Your search engine optimized listing goes live immediately upon registration, providing instant exposure to potential clients.
  • Quick and Easy Registration.  Registration takes just a few minutes. JOIN ONLINE TODAY!

Exceptional Value

  • Tremendous Return on Investment. One new referral easily covers the cost of your listing, multiple times over.

Benefit from SEAK's Knowledge, Reputation and 40+ Year Track Record

  • Proven Track Record. SEAK is The Expert Witness Training Company. We have been in business since 1980 and have assisted many thousands of expert witnesses.
  • Client Testimonials. View the countless testimonials from our satisfied clients here
  • After you register, SEAK can provide you with a free consultation to audit your listing and ensure that it is setup properly to be the most effective for you. 


Ready to Expand Your Expert Witness Practice?

If you’re looking to grow your expert witness practice and are available for additional referrals, I encourage you to join. With our risk-free, money-back guarantee, there’s nothing to lose.

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